I have been a fan of Snoopy and Peanuts ever since I was 17 years old (not that long ago...). I adore that crazy dog and Mr. Schultz' kind of logic. Just check out the above joke. Priceless!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN to those of you celebrating this holiday.
31. oktober 2008
En lille sød Halloween vits / A BOO joke from Snoopy..
I have been a fan of Snoopy and Peanuts ever since I was 17 years old (not that long ago...). I adore that crazy dog and Mr. Schultz' kind of logic. Just check out the above joke. Priceless!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN to those of you celebrating this holiday.
30. oktober 2008
SEEE hvad posten kom med i dag / L@@K what I got today...
Min fiiine præmie fra Cecilies blog konkurrence. NØJ hvor det hele bare er gennemført, jeg tror aldrig (uden at ville fornærme andre...) jeg har fået en SÅ gennemført og fin pakke. TUSIND tak søde Cecilie og BOO to you 2 ! Vildt fin detalje med de to skeletter i bunden af æsken bedst som jeg havde pakket ud og troede jeg havde set det hele. Den fine æske bliver en fast del af min Halloween fremover - det er HELT sikkert. Jeg tror ovenikøbet der er ting imellem der har rejst hertil i din kuffert ??? Jeg vil skynde mig ud og RØRE ved det hele igen - jeg ville bare sige mange TAK og vise det til jer allesammen.
I was very lucky and won a blog candy from Cecilie. This wonderful parcel was on my doorstep today looking VERY scary. Thank you SOOO MUCH - I have never seen anything that perfect and coordinated. I love it all and the lovely box will be part of my decorations for Halloween from now on. Must hurry back to stroking it all again - just wanted to say THANKS and show it to everyone.
I was very lucky and won a blog candy from Cecilie. This wonderful parcel was on my doorstep today looking VERY scary. Thank you SOOO MUCH - I have never seen anything that perfect and coordinated. I love it all and the lovely box will be part of my decorations for Halloween from now on. Must hurry back to stroking it all again - just wanted to say THANKS and show it to everyone.
29. oktober 2008
Endnu en side til E's album/Another LO for my DGS
A visit to the "Danmarks Akvarium" - where E. stayed for 4 hours asking questions and looking at everything there. This LO surfaced while I was packing boxes in my scraproom. I am in the middle of a major "make-over" of my scraproom. Can't wait till its all done and will share photoes.
27. oktober 2008
God bedring - kort sagt/A get better soon card

My DD has made this card for her best friend's father. He is having a lifesaving operation this week and needed a card to cheer him up. The text is difficult to translate but in Danish the words and the 3 sheep would make the sentence "Hope EWE'll feel better soon".
22. oktober 2008
ENDELIG har jeg et LO at vise / FINALLY a LO to share...
Having made cards for a looong time I had to see if I was still capable of making a LO. This is photoes from the day E was here to make a gingerbread house last year. Some of the candy made it to the roof - some took the shortcut to his stomach - just the way it should be! A nice day and a very proud houseowner. Did you spot the red gummibear going down the chimney?? That's Santa Bear!! =0)
21. oktober 2008
Græskarlygte 2008/Spooky pumpkin 2008

We made Halloween lanterns last weekend with our DGS. He had lots of fun removing the "brain" from the pumpkin. As he had decided he wanted a cool bat-pattern I had to help him with the cutting - but he was VERY proud and pleased with the end-result.
DID YOU KNOW: The story of the Jack o'Lantern comes from Irish folklore. Jack was a crafty farmer who tricked the Devil into climbing a tall tree. When the Devil reached the highest branch, Jack carved a large cross in the trunk, making it impossible for the Devil to climb down. In exchange for help getting out of the tree, the Devil promised never to tempt Jack with evil again. When Jack died, he was turned away from Heaven for his sins and turned away from Hell because of his trickery. Condemned to wander the Earth without rest, Jack carved out one of his turnips, took an ember from the devil, and used it for a lantern to light his way. He became known as "Jack of the Lantern."
20. oktober 2008
Mie lavede dette Harry P kort / and this is my DD's Harry P card
The other Harry P card we used this weekend. This is made by my daughter. She focused on the scene from the first movie with the flying keys and included Hedvig the owl and other magic effects. The glitter and silver cardstock shows better IRL.
Harry Potter,
17. oktober 2008
Slik til de små "bæster" /Ready for Halloween...
Har set disse et sted på nettet hos en Amerikansk dame. De er på størrelse med en drikkejuice, så de kan laves af et A4 ark pr stk. Rimelig hurtige at få færdig og de små minislikposer fra Haribo passer perfekt i (her 3 poser med VAMPYRER). Metalhank og en lille navnetag, håret er Sizzix græsbort resten er lavet med cirkelpunches.
Credit where credit is due eventhough I can't remember. Found these somewhere on the net when visiting an American lady. Small but cute and quite easy to make really. Tiny candyservings fit perfectly - in mine I have 3 small bags of VAMPYRES. Metal handle and a tiny name tag.
16. oktober 2008
Til lykke til Gitte - HAPPY B-day to Gitte
Min gode scrapveninde/roommate/grineven/supershoppemedskyldige/guru Gitte har fødselsdag og jeg har derfor lavet dette kort til hende, som jeg håber postbudet er nået frem med. Gitte laver selv så fine ting, men sådan et kort har hun måske ikke fået før?? Til lykke (endnu en gang) jeg glæder mig til endnu flere sjove timer sammen.
This card is for my friend Gitte (a very talented scrapper I met at a crop when I started scrapping. She's younger than me.. (..not to mention thinner and so much more talented) but I love her all the same. Isn't that what friends are for????
13. oktober 2008
Fødselsdagskort til Harry Potter fan /B-day card for a fan of Harry Potter

This HP-inspired card is my sisters GD's 9th birthday. She loves the Harry Potter universe and has read the first 2 books all by herself. Clever little girl, isn't she.
Tried to work with some scary cobwebs, spiders and mushrooms suitable for some sort of spell. The owl Hedwig is bringing her a b-day card with our names on the back and the 9 rhinestones and the figure 9 ties together with her age. Stamped image is a Hänglar stamp (thanks Marlene) and I added a scarf in Griffindor colours. AND just realized I had 25,000 visitors - THAT calls for some blogcandy - will be back with details later this week.
8. oktober 2008
Og et drenget kort / And here's one for the boys...

Made for a 10 year old in the colours of the team he supports. Used 7 QK dies and made my very first Coca Cola can =0).
7. oktober 2008
Til lykke til Kyla - Happy B-day Kyla....

October is the start of autumn and the month you choose your pumpkins for Halloween. My little American friend Kyla is FIVE today. Happy B-day to you Kyla - I hope "the pony express" have arrived with your card and gift and due to the time difference I think I am the FIRST person to congratulate you. Hugs to you and your family from your Danish friends.
5. oktober 2008
I går var det International Kort dag/ World Card Making day was yesterday..
Så der blev lavet kort og forberedt julekort i denne weekend i gode venners lag!
Her er et efterårskort til en kollega der giver sin kæreste penge til nye vinterstøvler fordi han ikke ved hvordan de skal se ud - det skulle kortet så gerne vise. =0)
Cards, cards, cards - made a few this weekend - this one is for a colleague. He ordered a card for his GF's b-day. His gift is money for a new pair of boots and as he said I can't buy them as I don't know which kind she would like. Tried to show that on the card.
Besøg denne blog http://dolliedewdrop.blogspot.com/ hvis du vil være med i hendes lodtrækning om blogcandy.
Do visit this link http://dolliedewdrop.blogspot.com/ and see her FAB blog candy.
3. oktober 2008
Hänglar fødselsdagskort /Hänglar b-day card...
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