While I was in France my blog celebrated it's first B-day AND 15,000 visitors. That means I missed the cake and the party RATS - however, I still feel like celebrating and as my new Hänglar stamps arrived today - what could be more perfect than offering a set of stamped images to the lucky winner of a blog-candy competition. Please link to my blog and leave me a comment ANYWHERE on my blog. On June 1st I will find the lucky person. Og SÅ søde er de, lokke lokke lokke....

And THIS is how cute they are!!!!
Well done on your blog turning 1! Those new hanglar stamps are absolutely adorable - i am green with envy, but look forward to seeing the lovely things you do with them!
SvarSletHIP HIP HURRA, stort tillykke med bloggens 1. fødselsdag.
SvarSletsuper flotte ting du laver
Gorgeous Charlie, what lovely stamps , I have my fingers crossed !!
SvarSletooh what gorgeous stamps! well done on your blog turning 1 & receiving 15,000 visitors!
Uhhh, tillykke med 1 års dagen for bloggen OG med de 15.000 besøgende - det er godt gået !
SvarSletDet lyder da til at have været en skøn tur "hjem", så I nogen kendisser ??
Well done on your blog turning one!
SvarSletthose stamps look scrummy. I can't wait ot see what you do with them.
now those stamps are particularly yummy.....congratulations on your blog birthday too....off to leave a link on my blog (on the left hand side) to you and yours
SvarSletTillykke med fødselsdagen. Og sikke en god ide med en blog candy for hvor er de Hängler stempler bare lækre. En skam vi ikke alle kan købe dem!
SvarSletHappy birthday blog... and its so worthwhile, your work is amazing.. you can do soooo much with the stamps xxx good luck xxx Wishing you well and as much fun in the year ahead.. Magic and Sparkle xx
SvarSlethow fab would it be to win these stamped images
SvarSletLisa x
HAPPY BLOG BIRTHDAY CHARLIE!! as you know you are already linked from our blog xxx
SvarSletLOVE those new stamps... I've not even got one Hanglar yet :(
SvarSletWaiting for my new cuttlebug for my cards then I have to spend lots of dies and embossing folders!
Linked to here from my blog.
Kevin x
Congratulations on you blog birthday...the stamps are too delicious for words...just like chocolate!
SvarSletHip hip hurra og et stort tillykke med 1-års dagen! Du behøver ikke lægge en seddel med mit navn i lodtræknings bøtten, jeg har nemlig selv fået mig en Hängler pusher :)
SvarSlethip hip tillykke med blog-fødselsdagen må den få mange år på bagen endnu.
SvarSletde hängler stempler fantstiske glæder mig til at se havd du får ud af det.
knuz Stine
Hjertelig tillykke med din blog fødselsdag Charlie.
SvarSletOg hvor er det nogle skønne stempler... de hänglar... det er synd vi ikke kan købe dem herhjemme.
Knuz marianne1972
Hjertelig tillykke med fødselsdagen. Selvfølgelig har du mange besøgende på din blogg, den er altid god og fyldt med inspiration. KH 10na
SvarSletWow what a fabulous prize! I have linked to your blog Charlie. These are gorgeous images.
SvarSletHappy Birthday,
SvarSletLove to see your wonderful creations.
I would love a chance to win some stamps but unfortunately I dont have a blog to put a link on
Julie x
...idag er det Charlie's blog's fødselsdag...hurra..hurra..;O)
SvarSletTillykke med den og det har været dejligt at kigge med, og blive inspireret. Vi glæder os til mange flere år ;O)
Tillykke med de 1500 besøgende det er meget flot, men du har jo også altid noget flot at vise frem
SvarSletHilsen Conny
Stort tillykke med dagen. hip hurra for din skønne blog.
SvarSletHilsen Karina
Congratulations!! Wow I love these stamps!! they are so sweet! I will leave a link to your lovely blog on mine now.
SvarSletJustine x
Congratulations!! Wow I love these stamps!! they are so sweet! I will leave a link to your lovely blog on mine now.
SvarSletJustine x
Hmmm... Hvorfor har jeg ikke luret din blog noget før, der skal da vist lige nærlæses et par timer ;-)
SvarSletTillykke med 1 års dagen og selvfølgelig skal der da linkes fra min splinter-nye blog.
Forøvrigt nogle fantastisk søde stempler, de må da gerne bo hos mig :-)
Hmmmm - hvor kan man dog blive misundelig. Jeg troede ellers, at den egenskab ikke fandtes hos mig. Men når jeg ser disse stempler, så gør den f.... :-))
SvarSletJeg vil jo selvfølgelig også gerne være med i din fødselsdagslodtrækning. Godt at se dig vel hjemme fra ferie igen.
SvarSletTillykke med fødselsdagen og besøgstallet.
Sikke dog nogle skønne stempler.
Der er blevet linket på min blog ; )
Congratulations on your blog's 1st birthday, 15,000 hits and last but not least, receiving the new Hanglar stamps. They are gorgeous stamps, thank you for the chance to win the images. I've left a link on my blog.
SvarSletJennifer x
Tillykke med blog-fødselsdagen :) Jeg har lagt et link til dig på min blog..
SvarSletCongratulations on your blog turning 1. I have left a link to these wonderful stamps on my blog.
Congratulations on your blog's 2st birthday. Those Hanglar images are gorgeous and I would love the chance to be able to win them. I have linked you on my blog.
SvarSletThank you
Wheee!!! Happy 1st Birthday to your blog and congrats on the 15,000 hits. I linked you HERE! :)
SvarSletThanks for the chance!!
bunnybox9 at gmail dot com
What gorgeous stamps, they would make amazing cards. Jay xx
SvarSletTillykke, det år er godt nok gået hurtigt. Det er nogle rigtig søde stempler du her har fået fat i tilykke med dem også.
SvarSletNår nu Charlotte Ravn ikke vil have sit navn i (så må du gerne komme mit i 2 gange ik !!!!???)
Næ, det går nu nok ikke.
Kjærligst svigerinden
WAAAU for en lækker blog candy. Jeg er en af dem som kigger forbi din blog i al hemlighed - lister bare lige rundt og snuser til billederne af søde kort og lækre kager! Krydser fingre for det bliver mig der er heldig!
SvarSletYou have a wonderful blog. I linked you up. Check out my blog candy at http://lildebstampscrap.blogspot.com/
SvarSletI've just put a link on my blog (http://scrapannelies.blogspot.com/2008/05/blog-birthdayparty-at-charlies.html)
Thanks for a chance to win!
Greetings from Belgium, Annelies
Hi Charlie....fab stamps how gorgeous are they...mmmmm very yummy.
SvarSletTeresa x
happy first birthday
SvarSletwonderful blog too
will post a link on my blog
hugs jane x
Bloggen har fødselsdag
SvarSletog det har den jo
men ik' i dag
Bloggen har fødselsdag
og den får jo
nok ekstra ka'e..
....og såååå gi'r hun nok et lille tryk...et lille tryk...et lille tryk....såååå gi'r hun nok et lille tryk.......et lille bitte klem....med mig hjem...
He he.... gi'r det bonus, eller skal jeg fortsætte? he he...
Gid bloggen længe leve må, leve må...leve må......og altid bestå... he he
I'll be back to see what you do with the hanglars they are divine. I'd love to win some to play with.
SvarSletHappy happy blogger birthday
happy Bloggerday tooooo youuuu *sing*
SvarSletThanks for a chance to win!
I love hÄnglar stamps, but in germany we can't buy them )o:
will post a link on my blog
Hugs xxx Sonja
flatis Basteleien
Happy Blog Birthday Charlie! Here's to the next year!
SvarSletHi Charlie, congratulations!
SvarSletWow what a great candy. I link it on my blog: http://kartenfreak.blogspot.com/
Hugs, Andrea
Congratulations to your Blog-Birthday.
SvarSletHappy Day
Greets Marion
Happy Birthday Charlie. This is a fascinating blog and what a lovely selection of stamps as a birthday present. I enjoyed a slice of your cake, thank you for sharing it.:)
SvarSletLeaving a link on my blog.
Happy birthday and what generous candy.I will put a link on my blog.x
SvarSletHappy Blogbirthday to you!
SvarSletNice blog-candy, with lovly images from Hänglar --- i love the little cuties.
But we can buy it in germany :-(
You can find the link to your blog here:
Tillykke med fødselsdagen, Charlie. Og sikke et flot besøgstal på et år.
SvarSletHej Søde Charlie :o)
SvarSletRigtig hjerteligt tillykke med din blog's fødselsdag - jeg nyder altid at surfe rundt herinde og få inspiration fra dine super flotte ting.
Mange hilsner Ane
Der ligger en award du kan hente hos mig!
SvarSletHappy 1st Birthday to your blog! Fabulous blog candy - the new H&S kit is so gorgeous! Off to leave a link on my blog.
SvarSletCarole =]
Congratulations on your 1st birthday and 15,000 hits, I have linked you on my blog
SvarSletGina xx
Kæmpe tillykke med din dejlige blog;0)
SvarSletOh hold da op, hængler stempler!!! Jeg har bare altid ønsket mig bare et, og se hvor mange der er her... WOW.
Happy blogday!
SvarSletThese stamps are gorgeous!
Hi Charlie, Congratulations on your blog birthday, mine has only just been born!
SvarSletI love your cards and the Hanglar stamps are adorable, I will be back often for inspiration :)
Congrats on your blog turning 1.
SvarSletLove that picture of the mural on the building that is awesome.
Love the new stamps they are precious.
Tillykke med din 1 års fødselsdag. Er misundelig over du har fået dine hÄngler allerede.. jeg får først mine i næste uge :-(
SvarSletStort knus og glæder mig til at følge din blog de næste år :-D
Happy Birthday to your blog! And 15,000 visitors - wow! Those new stamps look lovely - look forward to seeing what you do with them!
SvarSletWow they are cute! Congrats on your blog b-day! Enjoy.
SvarSletWhat a fabulous blog candy. These stamps are too cute, and I would love to get my hands on some, but I would certainly settle for some stamp-offs, since I don't see any way I will be getting any of the stamps in my hand. I love reading your blog, and look forward to inspiration from you!
SvarSletHi Charlie. I`ve written a blog-birthady-song for you *smile*. But i`m sorry: in german *redhead*.
SvarSletI dont know the words in english.
Here is my blog:
Mayby you know someone to translate *lol*!
Congrats on our blog birthday. Thanks for offering such cute candy
SvarSletHej.. Jeg har ingen blog, så jeg kan desværre ikke linke dig til noget, men jeg vil alligevel gerne ønske dig tillykke med 1-års dagen.. Bliver altid så inspireret, af at kommer her :-)
SvarSletDa jeg ikke har mulighed for at opfylde betingelserne mht til linket, ved jeg ikke om dette tæller som et lod i hatten. Hvis ikke, er der ikke noget at gøre ved det - hvis det gør, vil jeg bare sige 1000-tak for muligheden, for at vinde stempelaftryk af dine nye Hängler stempler. Du forstår virkelig at lokke ;-)
Mange hilsner fra Tina F. (FTZ)
Hold da op hvor er de bare skønne. trist at man ikke på i norge eller sverige.
SvarSletTillykke med fødselsdagen.
happy blogging birthday :-)
SvarSletgreat blog, and the stamps are fabulous, maybe I'll be lucky :-) Have linked you on my blog
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum ersten jahr.Da ich gelesen habe,dass Du Deutsch verstehst,quäle ich Dich lieber nicht mit meinem schlechten Englisch.lach.
SvarSletHier findest du mich:
Nåh hvor er de bare søde de stempler. Og stort tillykke med året:)
SvarSletJeg har lige linket til din blog. Du er velkommen til at besøge min ret nye blog:)
Og hvor er det i øvrigt nogle flotte kort du har på siden, var lige rundt og lure.
Congratulations to your Blog-Birthday!!
SvarSletThanks for a chance to win these cute images!
I have linked you on my blog. :)
Greeting from Germany.
Oh happy blogday. A year goes by so fast. I think the one who wins will be very happy.
SvarSletVery nice of you to give someone an opportunity to win these lovely stamps
I have put your link on my blog.
Greetings Renate
HI Charlie,
SvarSletHapy 1st Blog Birthday, ad congratulation on reaching 15000 hits, love your designs.
Congratulations on your 1st birthday and hits. This is my first visit to your blog but definitely not my last! I'm off to add a link to your blog. Lots of love, Denise x
SvarSletThank you for your offer, these are wonderful images... ohhh how I would like to win!!!! craftingmagic! (from trimcraft forum)
SvarSletBeauuutiful cards! congrats!
Hi..what nice stamps..have I mentioned how much I love stamping? I LOVE STAMPING..and I hope I win the images...
SvarSletWish you fun for an other year..
Petra Howard
Denne kommentar er fjernet af forfatteren.
SvarSletHappy 1st Blog Birthday
SvarSletWow, these stamps are soooo lovely
Happy Birthday to your Blog!
SvarSletI love Hängler! In Germany we don´t can by this wonderful stamps :(
The Link on from this Blog Candy is on my Blog!
lg Jane
it's very difficult for those of us in the U.S. to get our hands on these adorable stamps! you're a lucky lady
SvarSletTo your Blog Birthday i say "Congratulations". I love Hanglar Stamps so much, maybe i have luck to win this wonderful Price........
Greetings from Germany
SvarSletHappy Birthday Blog!!
Great blog candy have left a link here
Would love to win those stamp images! I love the Hangler stamps but I can't buy them over here. I've put a link on my blog about your blogcandy.
What a great blog you have ! Happy Blog Birthday!!! I have not seenthese stamps before, but they are adorable! Thanks for sharing your creativity!!
SvarSletHej Charlie. tillykke med "fødselsdagen" og det super flotte besøgsantal - Jeg kan godt forstå at du er stolt :o)
SvarSletSuper tillykke med fødselsdagen - 15.000 besøg wow det var mange på et år.
SvarSletSupersøde stempler - jeg håber du får endnu et besøgsrigt år :o)
Happy 1st birthday!! Thanks for giving us a chance to win some awesome images!! You rock - this is something everyone wants!! Thanks again and enjoy your 2nd year!!
SvarSlet(I have made a link in my blog - thanks)
happy birhday to yourst blog birthday, I love the stamps I hope I'll be lucky
SvarSletCongrats on your first birthday!
Først et stort tillykke og hold da op det er flot med så mange besøg.. men jeg vil også helt sikkert følge dig fremover - super flot sager du laver :o)
SvarSletDe stempler er da bare for mums - har selv prøvet at få fat i dem men endnu uden helt - så glæder mit til at se hvem der ryger op af hatten i lotteriet .o)
Well done on all your blog hits! What a gorgeous candy you're offering..I'm sure you can't wait to get using them yourself! bx
SvarSletHello, So glad you do a bilingual blog. My Sister-in-law is from Kolding so I was glad to see this. I've put a link on my blog.
SvarSletCongratulations of your hits and hope you had a great time in France. I've put a posting on my blog linking to yours. Thanks for the chance of winning some fabulous images!
SvarSletHappy 1 st blog Birthday!!
SvarSletVan harte gefeliciteerd met je 1 jarig Blog!
The link is on my Blog Here is my blog with your link. .
Dutch greetings!
Happy first Birthday your blog is great really lovely cards I have my fingers and toes crossed for the blog candy draw.
SvarSletWell here is Wishing you a Happy Belated Birthday and wishing you more Birthdays to come
Your blog and creations are Fabulous!!
SvarSletI've posted a link about your candy on my blog.
Helt vild skøn og jo meget sjælden blog candy. Herligt !!
SvarSletDet er en helt fantastisk blog du har. Mange skønne og kreative kreationer, meget inspirerende.
Jeg har lavet et link til din blog candy på www.dot-scrap.dk.
Back to check your blog again. Great blog and happy Anniversary. Here`s to a great second year.
SvarSletRetired Heather
Well Happy Birthday BLOG !!!! And what awesome hit numbers. Boy you are so lucky to have some hanglar stamps. Sure wish I could win some of these stamped images. They are just adorable
SvarSletCongratulations on your first Blogaversary! Mine is soon too! I will link to your blog thanks!
SvarSletHappy Birthday Blog, Charlie...there is no age here LOL.
SvarSletLove the blog and thanks for hosting such fun.
Happy 1st b-day for your blog
SvarSletI don´t know anythink about your blog , but I have found it - and you have made a wonderful work. Your creations are fantastic
I hope you understand what I mean, because my english is not very good, but I learn
congrats on your blogging birthday, I love Hanglar stamps. I've added a link to my blog
Happy Blogging Birthday...I soo much love those stamps..I hope I'm lucky...I have put the link on my blog..
Happy First Birthday to your blog and great blog count. You have a wonderful blog. Awesome blog candy you have on offer and I would love to give these stamps a new home as I have never seen them in real life before. I look forward to seeing what you create with these stamps.
SvarSletLinked to you!
Congrats on the first birthday! Hopefully my blog will make it there too!
Congratulations...saw the counter and it says 16.975 WOW!
SvarSletHave made a link for you on my blogroll...
Have a great weekend and greetings from the Netherlands,
wow!! Tose images are very cute!!
SvarSletCongratulations on your blog turning ONE!!! :) LOVE your blog and your cards! :)
Congratulations and a very happy first bithday. Thank you for the chance to win this beautiful blog candy. I just wish we could get them here
SvarSletHugs Jacqui x
I have left a link on my blog
Happy birthday with your 1 year blog.
SvarSletJammie, the cake looks delicious.
And WOWWWWW these stamps are Super cute.
It's a pity we can't get them here
I really love blog candy..very cute stamps
SvarSletGreat blog, have linked to your blog from mine for the blog candy giveaway here... http://agaggleofgadgetsandscrappingtoo.blogspot.com/
SvarSletTake Care
Happy Blogging Birthday, and 17000 visits. Great blog and creations. Beautiful images, would sure love to win a set. Am off to leave a link on my blog now.
SvarSletSam x
Happy Blogaversary! It's fun celebrating a milestone. :o) Thanks for sharing these cute images.
SvarSletMonika @ www.stampnmad.typepad.com
Happy B-anniversary!!!
SvarSletI have just started my blog, so lets hope I can do the same next year!
I love the images...so I will keep my figers crossed. maybe I'll get lucky!
Rainy regards from Germany - Irma